The Swan Song
August 9, 2006 by intheend
Ehm beberapa hari yang lalu aku ke luar kota naek bus, dan kebetulan dapat tempat duduk di dekat jendela dengan tanpa teman sebangku alias sendirian di kursi tersebut …dan entah kenapa sepanjang perjalanan, dengan melihat semua tempat yang kulalui aku jadi merasa melankolis-sentimentil, blue, grey, dan lain sebagainya… sendiri, aku jadi mikir klo semua hal memang selalu berlalu alias jadi masa lalu dan kita sedang menuju ke depan (masa depan), dan rentang di antara “past” n “future” tersebut ada yang tertinggal…yang bisa disebut dengan kenangan…entah kenapa aku jadi bisa mikir kayak gtu en aku teringat juga ma sebuah lagu yg berjudul “The Swan Song”, ya walaupun judule agak nggak nyambung (mungkin cerita soal putri yg dikutuk jadi angsa tu kali ya? hehehe…blum lagi di sini ga ada winter ..kekeke), but isinya ehm ……seperti ini nih … check this out!
The Swan Song
Winter has come for me, can’t carry on.
The Chains to my life are strong but soon they’ll be gone.
I’ll spread my wings one more time.
Is it a dream?
All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
The sun warms my face.
All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.
In my heart I know I can let go.
In the end I will find some peace inside.
New wings are growing tonight.
As I am soaring I’m one with the wind.
I am longing to see you again, it’s been so long.
We will be together again.
The Swan Song
Winter has come for me, can’t carry on.
The Chains to my life are strong but soon they’ll be gone.
I’ll spread my wings one more time.
Is it a dream?
All the ones I have loved calling out my name.
The sun warms my face.
All the days of my life, I see them passing me by.
In my heart I know I can let go.
In the end I will find some peace inside.
New wings are growing tonight.
As I am soaring I’m one with the wind.
I am longing to see you again, it’s been so long.
We will be together again.
One Response to “The Swan Song”
- on 05 Sep 2006 at 6:07 am1 Dhedhekweleh….
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